The New Year is all about reflecting—seeing how far you’ve come and celebrating the growth along the way. And let’s face it, in today’s software jungle, that reflection often means STATS. From Spotify Wrapped and Goodreads Year in Books, Reddit Recaps and Asana’s Year in Review, everyone’s crunching the numbers.
In the spirit of the season, we’re jumping on the bandwagon with a glimpse into Funga’s quantifiable wins for 2024. Because when it comes to growth, the numbers tell the story. Read on for some of Funga’s 2024 highlights—and cheers to even bigger things in 2025!

3X More Acres than 2023
In 2024 we tripled the number of acres planted with our inoculated seedlings.
20 Land Partners
That acreage is thanks to 20 land partners in the southeastern US who are interested in restoring their forest’s microbiome!
6 New Team Members
In 2024 we welcomed Operations Manager Amelia Pokorny, Ecological Data Scientist Dr. Alison Ketz, Bioinformatician Dr. Dawson Fairbanks, Forester Will Bradham, Head of Product Ann Marie Diener, and Lead Forester Tyler Claxton.
13 Speaking Engagements
In 2024 our team members had speaking engagements at Harvard, MIT, Texas A&M, Boston University, New York Climate Week, SXSW, the Forest Landowner Association’s Annual Conference, the Longleaf Biennial Conference, Forest Productivity Cooperative and Tree Improvement Joint Meeting, the Texas Forestry Association’s Annual Conference, and more.
3 In-Person Events Hosted by Funga
In 2024 we hosted an office warming party in January, a SXSW party in March, and a CDR-focused happy hour during AGU this December.
4 Virtual Events Hosted by Funga
In 2024 we invited Dr. Dan Maynard, Dr. Liz Koziol, Dr. Jennifer Bhatnagar, and Dr. Leland Werden to come talk to the Funga-verse about their research for our quarterly Speaker Series.
10 Blog Posts
In 2024 we introduced our audiences to Ann, Anthony, Ian, Caylon, Josh, Joey, Jenna, and Amelia, announced our partnership with PRT-IFCO, and documented our inoculation with a photo essay.
8,247 Nerd Clusters Consumed
The candy that has taken the world by storm was also the fuel that carried Team Funga through the inoculation season (we didn’t actually count, but this number feels right).
6,173 Linkedin Followers
That’s more Linkedin followers than the inventor of Nerds Clusters!
531 Newsletter Subscribers
We are honored that 531 people have determined we are not spam.
5X MORE Acres in 2025
In 2025 we are aiming to really ramp up our operations, with a goal of planting inoculated seedlings on five times the acres we did in 2024. If you are a forest landowner and would like to be a part of that growth, we want to hear from you.
10 Feet
The tallest tree we have found on our inoculated plots so far! This tree is two years old, and while we don’t yet have data on what its nearby control plots are looking like, the average height of a two year old Loblolly tree (citation: two second google search) is 4-6 feet.